Happy Holloween! + release o13 and o14

Happy Halloween to all the people in the world 😀 though it might have already passed in other countries, oh well. But anyways, trick or treat to all 🙂 (anyone wanna share their chocolates and candies with me??? OMG, what xD)

Moving on, we have two releases for this lovely holiday (it was supposed to be 3, but I ended up not being able to finish the 3rd one >_> sorry guys, but it will probably be releases later today, tomorrow, or whenever xD) so, here’s the holloween release  for this year 🙂

Title: Tadashii Ningyo no Aishikata
Circle: KH
Rating: R18
Fandom: Free!
Pairing: Makoto x Haruka

Title: Teach Me
Circle: mind*creator
Rating: R18
Fandom: Magi
Pairing: Sinbad x Judal

Hope you guys enjoy your halloween and day 😀

|| caxiahtic ||